Jan has a warm, positive personal style that welcomes diversity and brings about positive change in those with whom she works. Having built her own business, held senior corporate roles, and consulted with business leaders over many years, she is able to engage with her clients at a peer level.

Jan grew her financial planning business in Canada into a large and successful organisation by listening thoughtfully to her clients and reflecting constructively with them to more fully understand their needs. She uses this dialogical approach in her work with business leaders currently to facilitate change that raises group as well as personal awareness. By working with the whole person, Jan encourages leaders and their teams to learn new ways to collaborate and connect with one another.

Jan’s experience has shown that holding the three dimensions of individual, group and organisation ‘in mind’ can create breakthroughs and elicit powerful growth in leadership and team work. Her three-dimensional approach to development also extends to organisational perspectives as she enquires into different role, task and system aspects within an organisation.

Jan has worked with leaders across a wide variety of organisations, including National Australia Bank (nab), AXA Australia, Australian Unity, Rio Tinto, World Bank, TransCanada Pipelines, UBank, Air Canada, JANA, Vanguard, St. Vincent’s Health, DIIRD, World Vision, Australian Wine & Brandy Corp, Western Health, Loy Yang, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Banpu PLC, HCC Thailand, Indonesia-Canada Chamber of Commerce and the Government of Canada. She was raised in Thailand and has worked in Thailand, Indonesia, China, Canada as well as Australia. Her understanding of needs across cultures and time zones has been used by many organisations to help them work at their best in the continually changing global environment.

Jan earned her Master of Applied Science in Innovation and Service Management (Change Leadership) at RMIT, and her Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Economics at University of Guelph, Canada. She is a member of Group Relations Australia (RMIT) where she has lectured, and is an associate consultant at University of Melbourne Business School (Mt. Eliza). Jan is also a member of ISPSO (International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations).

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